Friday, February 17, 2012

Wow! It's been a while!

It's been such a long time since I updated this blog, I'm not sure anyone still looks at it anymore.  But really quickly I will do an update on what has been happening lately:

Emma is now in 2nd grade and doing great!  She's been in Girl Scouts for the last 2 1/2 years, we took her to Girl Scout camp, and most recently Emma has moved up to level 4 in gymnastics!

Crossing Bear Creek at Camp Tahigwa - 2011 Summer Camp

Emma's last night at the Rec Gym


Emma also tried her hand at Cheerleading, met Miss Iowa, went to the Rennissance Fair, and went bowling with her Girl Scout troop.

Pre-game Cheering!  Go Emma!  Go Tigers!

Watching the game with Carter

Miss Iowa and Emma!

Look out she's armed!!!

All decked out in Rennissance duds,
watching a guy juggle with an ice sculpture on his head while saying lymrics :)

Family Bowling Night!

Our Flat Stanley's went bowling with us too!

There's tons more to share, but that's all for now....

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Where Did August...I mean September Go?!!!

Ok, who stole the month of August! I mean really! It feels like we just got started with summer and now it's September already :) Ok, so September is almost gone too....I just can't stay on top of things like I'd like to!

I've been really bad about keeping this updated, but we've had soooo much going on lately, it's been hard to keep up with it all! I guess our first little adventure was going to the State Fair in DesMoines. I think Emma might actually remember it this time. We went when she was younger and she said that she didn't remember it at all.

We had a pretty good time, but boy it was HOT! We took the wagon so that helped out a lot for us. Emma wanted to stop and get her face painted, but ended up getting her arm painted instead. Of all the things to choose, she picked out a pink and red lightning bolt :) No hearts and rainbows this time, lol.

We got to the Varied Industries building just in time for storytime with Dan Wardell, and Emma got to meet and give Clifford a big hug :) Then we walked around in the cow barn for a bit and saw some lambs too. My favorite part was the cow barn, and Emma seemed to like them too. She was very interested in touching one and seeing the calves up close.

We went through and did the little helping hands farm, but Emma seemed almost bored with it. But it was hot and the lines were kind of long, so that might have had something to do with it. After a while we stopped and got Emma a corn dog, and James and I ate a little something also. Emma decided she needed James's sunglasses, so she played while we finished eating.

After walking around for a while we let Emma do this really neat jumping "ride". She was a little scared at first, but then got into the swing of things :) And after that she decided she wanted to learn how to fish, so James helped her start to learn how to cast and she got to make a fish to take home. Then it was off to have some ice cream!!!


Our next big adventure has been Emma starting school. First it was back to school night, which I was very happy about, because it gave us a chance to see her classroom and ask some questions.....I had about a zillon questions so it was a good night to get those answered.  And she also got to meet her teacher Mrs. Graham.

I took Emma's first day of school off, so that I could help her get started. I also wanted to see her get on the bus for the first time. She wasn't worried about any of it. And I tried not to show how worried I was. She made friends as soon as we got to the new daycare and after that, she really didn't need me to little social butterfly :)

Emma has done a super job of getting on the bus to school and remembering to get on the right bus after school. We haven't had any mix-ups yet, so we are very thankful for that!

Emma has also turned into our little fashion model....what can I say...she likes clothes...and shoes!      *grin*

We also spent a Saturday a few weeks ago, with Emma's Aunt Jen, Cousin Evan and Grandma Marsha. I caught a good pic of the two goofballs being silly in the car.....

Our most recent adventure was our trip to the Cedar Valley Arboritum. Emma had fun making her spin art picture, bouncing in the bouncy castle, painting a rock, running through the crazy caterpillar run, and eating more ice cream :) Oh yeah, the flowers were pretty!

Now that the crazyness of school starting is over, we are almost in a routine. I'm hoping to make more frequent updates to the blog, but as always, I can't promise to update every week. We are gonna shoot for once a month and see how that goes...

Oh yeah, Emma is also starting in Girl Scouts this year, so be ready to buy, buy, buy, when cookie time rolls around! We'll be sending Emma around to gather up cookie supporters....who doesn't like a frozen thin mint? *smile*

Until next time....God Bless!

Psalm 126:3
The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Learning New Things....

Well, as of June 23rd, Emma can tie her shoes by herself! We were very excited about it! James said that they were getting ready that morning and Emma brought out her tennis shoes and asked to wear them to school. James told her she couldn't wear them to school unless she could tie them all by herself. So my little Emma went back in her room, put the shoes on, tied them and then went out to show James! I guess when she wants something bad enough, she will try till she gets it.

We had fun at Sturgis Falls walking in the parade with the Heartland Vineyard Church float. Before the parade started, the church was handing out free hotdogs and hamburgers and Emma had fun helping James and our friends Del and Lynn Hoth get them ready to go!

Our other excitement was Emma's Gymnastics Fun Meet today. Emma had fun once they got started. There was a lot going on to begin with and she got a little upset because she didn't know what to do and I think she got scared with all the people crowding her. But once she got out on the floor with the other girls for stretching, she was fine. She was very excited about her medal and t-shirt and bag of goodies :)

We also went and picked up most of her school supplies tonight, so she had fun picking out her notebook and folder and backpack for Kindergarten. I can't believe it's time for school already! Where did the time go? Wasn't she just in diapers.......she's growing up so fast!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Having Fun....

I just realized that I had photos from last weekend that I wanted to post! Seems like time just gets away from me on the weekends.

Our friends Mike & Shelly had invited us over to their house for snacks and a little Guitar Hero :) And of course we said yes and had a blast! Emma decided that she was good at guitar, but wanted to try out the drums too. In the end I think she still likes the guitar better :)

This weekend Emma and I found a new park and she really enjoyed playing there. It had all of the things a park should have.....swings, slides, tunnels to climb in, a new kind of teeter totter that I had never seen before, but best of all, a cool fish climbing ladder! Definitely a good find!

Saturday we went to see Danny & Jean's new house, which is very much like a tree house and very beautiful inside and out. Emma had fun playing with the other kids and she approved highly of the "table treats" .....especially the M&M's :)

After we were done looking at the new house and visiting for a while, we went over to our friends Shane & Tabitha's house for supper and a movie. Emma and her friend Katie had fun painting and coloring while the adults watched the movie. It was a relaxing way to end our day.

Sunday was full with church in the morning, visiting at great grandma's after church, lunch, a little bit of shopping with Grandma Marsha, Aunt Jen, and Cousin Evan, and then just hanging out at grandma's house playing with the new My Little Ponies she got. Of course we had to take a picture of them all :)

Just another weekend with the Lewis Family, nothing spectacular, but fun just the same :)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Friday Fun :)

Emma and I did a bunch of running around today! First we went to check out the new daycare where Emma will probably be going before school and after school in the fall. Emma seemed to think it was an ok place. It looked all right to me too. From the sound of things, she won't be there long anyway, which is a good thing!

After that we went and got my Grandma Rella and went to the library....where Emma had a hard time listening :) Then it was off to my grandma's old house to dig up hostas to plant at her new place. (Her house was in the flood last year and will be torn down in the next month or so)

Next it was off to get some lunch at Subway and then we drove down to see James at work. I needed a key, so we stopped in and said hi. Emma likes to help her daddy at work, so we took a picture of her working at the counter in the shop :)

Then we went to visit Emma's friend Ellie for a while. She's at Covenant now, so it doesn't take long to get there. I think that they had fun looking for rocks outside in the little courtyard, and I know Emma had fun playing in the sand :) We plan on visiting Ellie next Friday too. I'm hoping for no rain :) All sunny all the time, makes us happy :)

So all in all, it was a pretty good day. Other than her being a little crabby cuz she was tired, but I guess we all have our days when we just don't feel like listening :) Some more than others!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Busy, Busy!!!

This weekend has been super busy! Friday wasn't so bad, we did some shopping and some cleaning up around the house. And fireworks that night. Nothing too exciting.
Saturday was packed full of activities! We started our day by going to Iowa City to see Emma's friend Ellie. Emma was very excited to see Ellie and give her the Hello Kitty blanket.

I think Ellie was happy to see Emma too :) They had fun playing with Ellies crayola model magic, which is pretty neat stuff. I had never seen it before, so that was fun. We let the girls play for a while, and then Emma started to get kind of tired so we said goodbye so we could go get some lunch.

We ended up stopping at Bennigan's, my favorite restaurant. We discovered that Emma really likes hot wings! Go figure...she's just like her dad :) After we ate, Emma wanted to go on the carousel, so her Aunt Linda rode with her.

Then Emma decided that she needed some play time at the indoor playground in the mall, so we let her play while James and I took turns looking in Barnes and Noble. Worked out great for everyone :)

We walked around the mall for about an hour and then headed home for Emma's friend Katie's birthday party. Emma got a bit of a nap on the way home, which helped her be in a better mood. We hung out with everyone and ate some barbeque and cute ladybug cake :) Then it was time to go over to Uncle Dick and Aunt Harriet's house for a visit. Emma's Uncle Darrel was there and of course they got all wound up and acted crazy. Emma was super tired that night!

Sunday we slept late and missed church, which was not planned. I missed going and having that to start my week. We got ready to go, and then went up to my grandma's house to visit with everyone. Emma had fun passing out her graduation photos and showing everyone her special memory book from Sonrise. Then we stopped to get some lotion to put on her huge bug bite, cuz it was bothering her a lot...and she got some Hello Kitty bandaids too.

Sunday afternoon Emma got to spend some time with her Grandma Marsha. We went to the Dragon Boat races at George Wyth State Park.

I think Emma had fun. She looked so cute in her shades :) And it was the perfect day for it!

Then it was off to Kid City Park in Elk Run for a little bit of fun. Emma had fun playing on the tire swing, and having me chase her around. Which she thought was funny.

Emma ended up falling asleep on the way home from my mom's house around 7:45 pm. So she must have been tired. Hopefully she sleeps good tonight!

Friday, May 29, 2009

My Waterloo Days

We went downtown to see the fireworks tonight. It's always quite the adventure. Normally we sit at the shop where James works, but they had the fireworks going off in a different spot this year. It was still ok though. My dad works at the Water Works and we just sat outside and watched people try to park where they weren't supposed to :)

James and Emma went and stood near the wall by the river and had a great view. Emma got really excited after the first few went off. (She was a little scared when they were testing them before it started. She was ok after I explained why it was so loud, and how to look for the flash of light before it made the loud noise.) It was sad to see how people left their garbage all over the bridge, and we tried to explain to Emma the reason why we don't leave our garbage around like that. She needed to know that someone would have to clean that up, and it probably wouldn't be the people that made the mess. It made me feel bad for the people that will be cleaning up tonight.

I don't think I realized how many teachable moments there are in a day, before I had Emma. I notice so much more now. Maybe part of it is how curious she is about everything.....she makes me think! And I think she makes me a better person because of it......and most of the time I think that I learn more than she does!

Tomorrow should be a busy day. We are going to try to see Emma's friend Ellie in Iowa City for a while, and possibly James's sister. Then we get to come home for a barbeque/birthday party for Emma's friend Katie. Emma has been missing Ellie a lot, so I'm hoping that tomorrow will help her understand what's been going on a little better. She keeps asking to look at Ellie's pictures on the computer, so we've just left that page up so she can look when she wants to :)

Good Night All....we'll see ya in the morning :)